Happy Original Release Date Day!

Hello everyone!

So, today is the original release date I set for the game...wow. When I first started this game it was a very very small project. It was going to only be like 30 minutes long....but I wanted to change the game into something I have never done before and use it as good practice for releasing a game. As you can see the game isn't released yet BUT I can tell you about maybe when it might be released.

When is it being released?

The wait for Leaflup's Candy Hunt won't be much longer because I can say that the game will be released February 19th! That's right you will be able to get your sugary candy covered hands all over Leaflup's Candy Hunt in not much time at all! Because I am making the game come out so soon there will be some features previously announced that will not be in the full release. This allows me to really focus on the main aspects of the game and makes sure I don't release a game that has just some fun stuff and then some stinky lame stuff.

That's all I have for this post, thank you all for understanding!

Happy hunting,


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